
Efficiency could be not only the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to that of inputs but also that of weighted sum of inputs to that of outputs. When the previous efficiency measures the best relative efficiency within the range of no more than one, the decision-making units (DMUs) who get the optimum value of one perform best among all the DMUs. If the previous efficiency is measured within the range of no less than one, the DMUs who get the optimum value of one perform worst among all the DMUs. When the later efficiency is measured within the range of no more than one, the DMUs who get the optimum value of one perform worst among all the DMUs. If the later efficiency is measured within the range of no less than one, the DMUs who get the optimum value of one perform best among all the DMUs. This paper mainly studies an interval DEA model with later efficiency, in which efficiency is measured within the range of an interval, whose upper bound is set to one and the lower bound is determined by introducing a virtual ideal DMU, whose performance is definitely superior to any DMUs. The efficiencies, obtained from interval DEA model, turn out to be all intervals and are referred to as interval efficiencies, which combine the best and the worst relative efficiency in a reasonable manner to give an overall assessment of performances for all DMUs. Assessor's preference information on input and output weights is also incorporated into interval DEA model reasonably and conveniently. Through an example, some differences are found from the ranking results obtained from interval DEA model and bounded DEA model using the Hurwicz criterion approach to rank the interval efficiencies.

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