
Voluntary or spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions is a process of monitoring the safety of drugs post-marketing, providing a way to discover new, occasional or unseen adverse drug reactions. Even though its importance, there is overall underreporting of adverse drug reactions by nursing staff and nursing students in India. The study assessed the knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff and nursing students on adverse drug reaction reporting at a tertiary public-sector hospital and college in Islampur, Sangli. A validated questionnaire based cross sectional study conducted among the nursing staff and nursing students in the tertiary public-sector hospital and college the data was then electronically captured on Microsoft excel spreadsheet & stata® (version 14) chi squared test was run in order to discover significant associations in the data 255 questionnaires sent out, 200 nursing staff & students responded to the questionnaire (78.43% response rate). The overall score on knowledge of ADR reporting was found to be average among nursing staff, nursing students half of the participants knew about reporting adverse drug reactions.85.71% nursing staff feels ADR reporting in the hospital should be mandatory.

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