
Aim. Over the last few years an increasing number of people have started training out with kettlebells (KBs) all over the world. Unfortunately, there is very little scientific data about the effect of training with KBs, and essentially no research has been done on the various kettlebell sports which are developing dynamically. The main aim of this paper was to analyse the intensity of physical effort during the 10 minute Snatch Test (10 min ST) at the HardStyle Kettlebell Polish Championship (HSKPC). Our research also included an analysis of the contestants’ body composition on the competition day. Basic procedures. Ten male contestants and five female contestants were examined. Physical effort intensity was measured using Polar Team2 Pro. Body composition was evaluated with the Tanita SC-330 immediately before the start of the competitions. The mean values of the analyzed parameters in the study contestants were compared with the best male and female contestants of the Championship. Results. The heart rate during intensive exertion for the 10 min ST was consistently at a high level (80-89% HRmax) or very high level (90-100% HRmax). Such a high HR was maintained for 98% of the exercise performance, and the mean relative energy expenditure were 14.4 METs among the women and 15.5 METs among the men. An analysis of body composition showed that participants of the HSKPC were characterized by an athletic build. Conclusions. Even though the contestants lift relatively heavy loads during the 10 min ST (men 24 or 28 kg, women 16 kg) the effort can be described as an endurance test. Considering all the competitions taking place during the HSKPC and the results of the participants it can be stated that these competitions are unusually demanding and require versatile physical fitness, as well as strength, endurance and coordination. Key words: kettlebell, snatch test, physical effort, Hardstyle

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