
An organisation's adaptability under dynamic and uncertain business environments and conditions can be identified by the level of resilience among the employees. Thus, making employee resilience an essential tool in measuring the malleability of an organisation. However, there are limited studies conducted that illustrate how employee resilience can be developed and practised. Additionally, with the recent concept of 'employee-friendly' and 'flexible-working arrangements' concepts the inclusion of employee wellbeing practices at organisations has drastically increased (Karen Tonkin, 2018). Moreover, with radical changes in employee lifestyle; employee wellbeing practices become a significant criterion for any employee choosing their workplace in an organisation. Thus, making the concepts of employee well-being and resilience essential for the organisation. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyse the impact of employee well-being practices on employee resilience in service sectors (Rauhaus, 2017). Literature studies have conferred that organisations play a vital role in providing wellbeing practices for their employees and these have a greater impact on employee commitment and engagement as well as job satisfaction (Karen Tonkin, 2018). However, limited studies have examined the role of well-being practices and employee resilience, particularly in the context of Oman services sectors. Thus, the main research problem for this study is "how well-being practices impact employee resilience in the Oman services sector". Keywords: Employee Well-being, Resilience, Services Sectors, Oman.

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