
Cosmetic procedures using radiofrequency (RF) technology have garnered significant attention as noninvasive approaches to skin rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction. This study investigates the efficacy of RF therapy in enhancing skin texture, firmness, and appearance. By harnessing the 6.78-MHz "VolNewMer" RF device, skin aging concerns, particularly in terms of skin roughness, laxity, and wrinkles, can be treated. This study engaged a cohort of 50 participants seeking wrinkle reduction and skin-lifting treatments. Employing noninvasive methods, the efficacy of RF therapy was evaluated immediately posttreatment and 1-month posttreatment. Skin roughness was quantified using a computer-based analysis of standardized 3D scanner images, capturing uniform lighting and angles to ensure accurate measurements. Among the 45 participants who completed the study, significant improvements in skin roughness were observed. The average roughness (Ra) value decreased from 16.71 to 11.88 arbitrary units immediately posttreatment, signifying a 28.42% enhancement. At the 1-month follow-up, the Ra value further decreased to 12.33 arbitrary units, reflecting a sustained 26.23% improvement. However, 16 participants exhibited even greater improvements at 1 month than immediate. RF therapy's profound impact on skin tightening and rejuvenation is rooted in its ability to trigger immediate collagen contraction, bolstering skin elasticity. The dual-phase process of immediate and delayed skin improvement underscores the intricate interplay between thermal stimulation and collagen remodeling. Optimal energy levels and controlled endpoint monitoring ensure safe and effective RF treatments. The use of the VolNewMer device tips and sliding technique contributes to patient comfort and treatment precision.

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