
This preliminary study investigated the effects of training in Fitzmaurice Voicework® (FV) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Techniques on the physiological stress markers and mental states of student actors preparing to perform. Twelve participants were recruited from an undergraduate program in theatre and music theatre. Six students received training in both meditative/mindfulness techniques and FV as part of their BFA Performance curriculum for two semesters. Six non-BFA students were wait-listed for the training as a control group. Both groups were offered three hours of outside meditative practice during the academic year. Physiologic measures included readings in heart rate and respiration at four time points before an audition or performance over the course of an academic year. In addition, self-report questionnaires that evaluated the student’s psycho-physical state at baseline and at the final data collection time points were used qualitatively. The study hypotheses were as follows: (1) the intervention group would demonstrate lower heart rate and respiratory rate than the control group; (2) the intervention group would report lower perceived stress than the control group by the end of the study. Results of this preliminary investigation indicated that the experimental group experienced less perceived stress around performing, but findings from the physiologic measures did not support the hypotheses.

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