
Best practices of farmers using modern digital technologies demonstrate high results achieved both in crop production and in animal husbandry. Efficiency is expressed in increasing the yield, labor productivity, reducing costs, and what is more, in preserving soil fertility and protecting the environment. However, the need to digitize managerial and analytical processes based on Big Data, Data Science implementation and the ability to interpret the obtained analytical material and make qualified decisions based on a scientific approach are often missed the memo. In light of this, the purpose of the study was to analyze the readiness of various company unit categories employed in the agro-industrial complex of Russia to use big data and process it. Based on the results obtained, a matrix for determining the potential for the transition of companies to the use and analytics of Big Data was built. According to the results of which, it can be argued that, on average, about 45% of the analyzed companies have a high potential for the transition to digital development, and an average level of potential is 24%. In the context of the categories of farms, the results for the surveyed agricultural cooperatives, traders and exporters are higher than the average indicators.

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