
The study aim at evaluating the activities of festival on surface water quality in Ugep, Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Four streams where identified and water quality analysis was carried out for three days. Four hundred copies of questionnaire were randomly distributed to residents during the festival period to capture the socio-economic variables such as the benefits and the problems that are associated with the festival. The result presented in table one, two and three show a high permeable values above the WHO permeable limit since the result presented in one to three show a high values above the WHO bench mark it’s therefore indicating that the festival has negative impact on the surface water quality in the study area. The result from the socio-economic variables shows that even though the festival has contributed socio-economically to the wellbeing of the indigenous people, there are problems that are associated with festival activities that needs urgent attention. It is on this premise that all the stakeholders involved in the organization of the festival event must provide a mechanism that would avert the impact of the festival activities on surface water quality and other socio-economic problems in the area.

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