
AbstractMagnetically induced current densities and integrated ring‐current strength susceptibilities have been calculated at the density functional theory (DFT) level for a test set consisting of 17 ring‐shaped molecules using the gauge‐including magnetically induced current (GIMIC) method. Reliable values for the ring‐current strengths have been obtained by performing numerical integration of the current‐density susceptibility passing a cut plane perpendicularly to the molecular ring. The current densities and ring current strengths were calculated at the DFT level using the B3LYP functional and def2‐TZVP basis sets. Current densities and ring‐current strengths have also been calculated at the Hartree‐Fock self‐consistent field (HF‐SCF) level using Dunning’s aug‐cc‐pVTZ basis sets, which allow a direct comparison with ring‐current strengths that have previously been estimated using ring‐current models based on magnetic shielding calculations. Current density calculations at both levels of theory show that the magnetic shielding based ring‐current models are not a very accurate means to estimate the magnetically induced ring current strengths, whereas they provide qualitatively the correct aromaticity trends for the studied molecules.

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