
The number of primary school children travelling to school by car in the UK has almost doubled from 22% to 43% in 20 years. A governmental policy response is school travel plans (STPs). This paper reports the findings of an empirical evaluation designed to measure the effectiveness of the travel initiative at three schools. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires or travel diaries (n=555, Years 3 to 6) and focus groups with pupils in Years 5 and 6 (21 groups, n=90). A walking bus scheme operated successfully at one school but most of the children shared similar attitudes towards transport modes. Two issues regarding the data collection and coverage of the national evaluation of STPs are raised and the implications for research practice discussed. The PSHCE (personal, social health and citizenship education) curriculum offers scope for schools to incorporate their own evaluations to overcome the problems identified. Education for sustainable development (ESD) has international significance and the current and future travel behaviour of children is germane to this. Ideas and resources to promote this through PSHCE are presented.

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