
An adequate road network hierarchy is an essential tool for increasing efficiency in the urban transport system in the era of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). In this context, this paper intends to evaluate how these certain planning schemes changed road network hierarchy conditions, using a multicriteria approach that adopts various parameters (readability, arteriality, existence of rings roads, multimodality, etc.). To this end, 7 cities that have implemented a SUMP, scattered in the Greek territory are examined both without and with the suggestions of the plan. The data used to fulfill this assessment, are secondary and derived from the consultants or planners that developed the corresponding plans. Briefly, the results show that the road network hierarchy planning schemes generally improved the current conditions considerably. Particularly, the SUMPs’ visions seem to have a common approach concerning the structure of the new road network hierarchy system in most of the studied cities. For instance, cities proved to be rather potent in the criteria of arteriality and sustainable modes promotion. Moreover, ring roads that may contribute to deterring through traffic are included in many of the developed plans. This research gives substantial insights on the road network hierarchy re-definition process that the SUMPs have incorporated. Consequently, it could play a pivotal role in the future, functioning as a preliminary evaluation “roadmap” for evaluating both existing and proposed road hierarchy in urban areas. Therefore, future SUMPs or relevant plans would be able to enhance their suggestions in the quest for sustainability.

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