
Oil and gas wells can suffer integrity failure resulting in the release of fugitive gas, formed primarily of methane, into the subsurface and atmosphere. Factors affecting fugitive gas migration in the subsurface, and in particular within and between shallower units intersected by energy wells (i.e. <100 m depth), are usually poorly considered with little focus on specific lithological characteristics that control gas movement, determine environmental impacts and influence how best to detect, monitor and quantify fugitive gases. To better understand and identify properties that can control fugitive gas migration in shallow sedimentary rocks that form the Peace Region of British Columbia, Canada, we developed a workflow by which a series of rock cores from units present in the area were obtained and their flow properties characterised. Insights on propensity for fugitive gas migration within and between these rocks were achieved through laboratory techniques and analytical calculations that are usually applied to the study of deeper hydrocarbon migration and seal integrity. These included Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, petrographic analysis, X-ray computed tomography, as well as estimations of threshold capillary pressure, gas-column heights, hydrostatic pore pressure and total displacement pressure. Results show a congruent correlation between the examined petrophysical rock characteristics and flow propensity. We find that high capillary pressure will act as an effective mechanism for limiting vertical gas migration in the region, even when potential barrier facies have porosities of more than 10% and permeability of 0.26 mD. Additionally, results suggest that the propensity of studied shallow sediments to transmit fugitive gases will be controlled by heterogeneity, permeability anisotropy and the presence of secondary structural features, such as microfractures. Our approach for evaluating the propensity of fugitive gas migration could be applied elsewhere to enhance understanding of potential migration pathways and aid in development of effective monitoring and detection strategies that can better anticipate gas behaviour in the subsurface and prognosticate reactive transport, impacts and fate.

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