
For insect-pollinated plant species, reproductive success and genetic exchange via the transfer of pollen between flowers depends (i.a.) on the efficiency, abundance and behaviour of floral visitors. These in turn are expected to respond to plant population size and flower density. High floral densities for example usually attract large numbers of pollinators that visit more flowers per plant or patch, which increases pollen deposition at short distances. Thus, population characteristics might serve as indicators for pollen dispersal patterns and help to identify suitable habitat size and quality for conservation measures. To test this hypothesis, we observed floral visitors of a generalist, entomophilous species, Comarum palustre, and compared their abundance and visitation rates in populations of different sizes and flower densities. At the same time, we mimicked pollen flow using fluorescent dye. In the large and dense populations, pollinator abundance and visitation rates were high and dye was dispersed to the edges of the populations (up to 200m). In the medium-sized population with high flower density, insect abundance and visitation rates were unexpectedly low and dye dispersal declined very quickly. On the contrary, in the smallest population with scattered flowers, especially bumble bee abundance was similar to the large populations and dye dispersal mirrored this high bumble bee activity. Thus, our results indicate that in smaller habitat fragments, the mere size of a population might be insufficient to suggest pollen flow for a plant species. Instead, the abundance of its major pollinators should be considered.

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