
The purpose of this study is to incorporate the principle of multi criteria decision making theories on nuclear medicine imaging devices. The trend in development with different parameters has largely affect the resultant images and the decision of the decision maker in purchasing a particular imaging device. The need for decision making theories on these devices will be very helpful to all parties involved such as manufacturers, hospitals, and radiologists. Nuclear medicine imaging can simply be defined clinically and scientifically as the use of substrates labeled with a radioisotope to provide information about the physiological functions of the body, as well as the state and distribution of a disease. In principle, it is the administration (injection) of a chemical compound marked with a radionuclide substance (gamma ray or positron emitter) into the body. External detectors surrounding the patient detect these high energy particles and record their energies and positions to reconstruct the 2D and 3D image. Although nuclear medicine is excellent for providing diagnostic information on detection and staging of a disease, it has limited in-depth information. These devices have various quality parameters where play enormously important roles for decision maker to evaluate the nuclear medicine imaging systems. Some of these parameters include image noise,specificity, sensitivity, radiation dose, price of the device etc. This study seeks to evaluate and compares the most common nuclear medicine imaging devices using multi criteria decision making technique. Our decision theory of interest is fuzzy PROMETHEE.

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