
Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) support multi-scale panable (MSP) maps from the major online map providers. A mapping API consists of a series of functions that control the scale and location of the map, and any added information in the form of points, lines or areas. Raster layers can also be overlaid to totally obscure the underlying map. Available since 2005, the use of APIs has proliferated and now represents the most common cloud mapping technique.Soon after the release of the Google Maps API, Microsoft and Yahoo soon followed with their own versions. Eventually, MapQuest and OpenStreetMap also released APIs. While similar, all of these APIs used specific functions and objects. The MapStraction open source project attempts to create a single API that can be used with all of these mapping sources. Additional APIs have since been introduced by Nokia and Leaflet. The purpose here is to examine the major mapping APIs and provide a basis for evaluation.KeywordsApplication Programmer InterfaceVolunteer Geographic InformationInternet ExplorerMapping APIsZoom LevelThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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