
During import substitution, feed additives are increasingly being used, including the most effective strains of spore-forming aerobic bacteria families of the genus Bacillus subtilis, capable of revealing the genetic potential of animals. No oedema and erythema were detected when determining the local tolerance of the Endoforce Phyto feed additive on the rabbit skin. The values of physiological parameters remained normal. Conjunctival instillation of the investigational product also did not lead to deterioration in the functions of the eye unit mucous membranes and the body's functional state. A single feeding of the Endoforce Phyto feed additive at a dose many times higher than the recommended one did not lead to the death of laboratory animals or changes in behavioural reactions and physiological state, which confirmed the absence of its acute toxicity. After 90 days of determining chronic toxicity in rodents of all experimental groups, an increase in the number of erythrocytes and haemoglobin was noted: in control – by 7.2 and 8.0%, in the 1st experimental group – by 10.8 and 13.9%, in the 2nd experimental one – by 13.3 and 11.1%, in the 3rd experimental one – by 12.7 and 20.7%, respectively, compared to the baseline values. This confirmed the best body oxygenation in the rats of the experimental groups. Within the follow-up period, an increase in the total protein content in the animals of the experimental groups from 57.03 g/l to 67.30-69.82 g/l and in individuals of the control one from 68.90 to 71.33 g/l compared to the primary screening data was registered. In contrast, the activity of such enzymes as alkaline phosphatase decreased in the control by 3.3 times, and in the experimental groups – only by 1.7-1.8 times. Comparable values of biochemical parameters in rats of the experimental and control groups confirm the absence of a negative impact of the studied feed additive on the parameters of protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. In the results of the rat autopsy, no pathological changes in colour, consistency and size of internal organs were registered.

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