
The network intrusion detection domain has seen increased research that exploit data mining and machine learning techniques and principles. Typically, multi-category classification models are built to classify network traffic instances either as normal or belonging to a specific attack category. While many existing works on data mining in intrusion detection have focused on applying direct classification methods, to our knowledge indirect classification techniques have not been investigated for intrusion detection. In contrast to indirect classification techniques, direct classification techniques generally extend associated binary classifiers to handle multi-category classification problems. An indirect classification technique decomposes (binarization) the original multi-category problem into multiple binary classification problems. The classification technique used to train the set of binary classification problems is called the {base} classifier. Subsequently, a combining strategy is used to merge the results of the binary classifiers. We investigate two binarization techniques and three combining strategies, yielding six indirect classification methods. This study presents a comprehensive comparative study of five direct classification methods with the thirty indirect classification models (six indirect classification models for each of the five base classifiers). To our knowledge, there are no existing works that evaluate as many indirect classification techniques and compare them with direct classification methods, particularly for network intrusion detection. A case study of the DARPA KDD-1999 offline intrusion detection project is used to evaluate the different techniques. It is empirically shown that certain indirect classification techniques yield better network intrusion detection models.

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