
Grade contracts offer a way to transform the relationship between labor and assessment in classrooms. By turning attention from evaluations of quality to labor completed, grade contracts make space for students to shift from a grade-driven extrinsic motivation to an interest-driven intrinsic motivation for completing coursework. Such an assessment model is well suited for fan studies classes where instructors ask students to engage in fan behavior. I share how I built an upper-division course about anime and anime fandom centered around a student-authored, publicly viewable blog. I discuss the synergy between the blogging project and a grade contract that enhanced student learning, engagement, and enjoyment. I also share my course design philosophy, approach to blogging, and student reactions to the grade contract.


  • Complete a substantial student-directed project; the project should be revised and edited for clarity, contain accurate information, and engage a public audience

  • Post two discussion lead posts to the blog by the date and time they are due, and respond substantively to the comments made by others on those posts

  • Write and post a film review by the date you've signed up for; the review should meet all the requirements on the assignment sheet, use concepts covered in class in ways that help readers gain a richer appreciation of the film, be written in a way accessible for a public audience, and be revised and edited; responds meaningfully to reader comments, through clearly marked edits and/or as replies in the comments section

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Complete a substantial student-directed project; the project should be revised and edited for clarity, contain accurate information, and engage a public audience. Write and post a film review by the date you've signed up for; the review should meet all the requirements on the assignment sheet, use concepts covered in class in ways that help readers gain a richer appreciation of the film, be written in a way accessible for a public audience, and be revised and edited; responds meaningfully to reader comments, through clearly marked edits and/or as replies in the comments section.

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