
More and more funders of non-profit organizations are mandating that grantees engage in outcome evaluation. Given that this mandate is rarely accompanied by additional funding to devote to such efforts, as well as the limited skills many staff have in conducting outcome evaluation, this has been a significant hardship for human service programs. Domestic violence victim service programs have additional barriers to evaluating service effectiveness, including: (1) each survivor 1 1 While all those being victimized by an intimate partner deserve effective advocacy, protection, and support, the overwhelming majority of survivors using domestic violence services are women battered by intimate male partners and ex-partners. For that reason, survivors are referred to as “women” and “she/her” throughout this article. A conscious decision was also made to use the term “survivor” instead of “victim” throughout. Although there is debate about the use of these terms in the field, the author is more comfortable referring to women, not in terms of their victimization, but rather by their strengths, courage and resilience. comes to the program with different needs and life circumstances; (2) there is debate about which ‘outcomes’ are appropriate for these programs to accomplish; (3) many service clients are anonymous or engage in very short-term services; and (4) surveying survivors can compromise their safety or comfort. Some programs, therefore, resist evaluating their services (which can compromise their funding) while others engage in evaluations that can compromise their integrity or values. Others, however, see outcome evaluation as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Evidence is provided that, if done appropriately and sensitively, outcome evaluation can be incorporated into ongoing staff activities, can provide evidence for program effectiveness, and can improve services for survivors of intimate partner abuse.

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