
Sentiment analysis of product reviews on e-commerce platforms aids in determining the preferences of customers. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) assists in identifying the contributing aspects and their corresponding polarity, thereby allowing for a more detailed analysis of the customer’s inclination toward product aspects. This analysis helps in the transition from the traditional rating-based recommendation process to an improved aspect-based process. To automate ABSA, a labelled dataset is required to train a supervised machine learning model. As the availability of such dataset is limited due to the involvement of human efforts, an annotated dataset has been provided here for performing ABSA on customer reviews of mobile phones. The dataset comprising of product reviews of Apple-iPhone11 has been manually annotated with predefined aspect categories and aspect sentiments. The dataset’s accuracy has been validated using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques such as Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor and Multi Layer Perceptron, a sequential model built with Keras API. The MLP model built through Keras Sequential API for classifying review text into aspect categories produced the most accurate result with 67.45 percent accuracy. K- nearest neighbor performed the worst with only 49.92 percent accuracy. The Support Vector Machine had the highest accuracy for classifying review text into aspect sentiments with an accuracy of 79.46 percent. The model built with Keras API had the lowest 76.30 percent accuracy. The contribution is beneficial as a benchmark dataset for ABSA of mobile phone reviews.

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