
Results from previous research on everyday problem solving involving Caucasians suggests that it may be a useful concept in studying cognitive aging in African Americans . The purpose of this investigation was to examine : (1) the factor structure of an everyday problem solving in a sample of African Americans , (2) the internal consistency of everyday problem solving in a sample of African Americans , and (3) the relation ship of problem solving to demographic factors, physical functioning, and measures of fluid ability. The sample included subjects recruited from Baltimore , MD . The sample consisted of 249 community dwelling African - American adults with a mean age of 67 . 8 years (SD = 8.47). Variables included the Everyday Problem Solving Test (EPT), gender , age , education , physical functioning , and inductive reasoning . Everyday problem solving as a latent construct was confirmed and the split half reliability was high (.89). As in previous research , inductive reasoning and physical functioning were related to everyday problem solving abilities . We also found that certain domains of the EPT are more influ enced by demographic factors than others . Our finding suggest that the Everyday Problems Test is appropriate for use with African American samples .

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