
The article deals with the description of the evaluative predicates as a mechanism for realizing evaluation in Modern Chinese. In order to fundamentally define and systematize the means of realization of the category of evaluation and evaluative predicates in Chinese, the research considers such concepts as “evaluation”, “linguistic picture of the world”, “evaluative predicate”. The author analyzes a wide range of investigations by foreign, Chinese in particular, and domestic sinologists, aimed at highlighting the features of the evaluative predicates, as it has helped to make a thorough systematization of the research of evaluative predicates and a mechanism for realizing evaluation in Modern Chinese. The study determines that the concept of evaluation should be considered inseparable from the Chinese linguistic worldview, which is the result of the process of learning about the surrounding reality (history, culture, language, etc.) of a certain people. The cultural heritage of China covers all spheres of activity of the Chinese and has a significant influence on the process of forming the worldview of the Chinese people, in particular, on their thinking. The author concludes that the evaluative predicate represents the most meaningful and informatively loaded part of the judgment, which contains the evaluation of a person (speaker or nominal group specified in the sentence) in relation to the objective world (situation or person). The research classifies evaluative predicates that determine a person’s subjective evaluation of an object from the objective world. It considers the mechanisms of evaluation implementation in Modern Chinese and systematizes the classification of evaluation means.

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