
ABSTRACT Assertiveness is not something that is inherited. Assertiveness is a skill that anyone could learn if he decided to, lack of assertiveness is only rooted to the way of dealing with others you got used to, this way may be letting go of your rights or fear of standing up for yourself. Being assertive requires only thing, your decision. The research design used for this study was quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test control group design. Total 60 Nurses who met inclusive sampling criteria were selected and allocated 30 to experimental group and 30 control group by using non-probability, convenient sampling technique. The data was collected by using socio-demographic data, Rathus Assertiveness Schedule for assertiveness, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale for self-esteem and interpersonal communication satisfaction inventory for interpersonal communication satisfaction respectively. The Participants of the experimental group were administered Assertiveness training module in 7 sessions, each day one session and outcome variables were measured at three points in time; before intervention, 7th day after intervention and one month after intervention. The data was collected from November 2019. The effect of intervention was analyzed by repeated- measures ANOVA. The calculated student independent ‘t’ test value of (t = 6.484, P = 4.45) for assertiveness, (t = 5.440, P = 2.65) for self-esteem and (t = 7.119, P = 5.427) for interpersonal communication satisfaction at the post intervention 2 shows that there was significant improvement in nurses’ level of assertiveness, self-esteem and interpersonal communication satisfaction after the administration of assertiveness training in experimental group than in control group. Assertive behaviour and self-esteem had weak negative correlation in both groups experimental group & control group at post intervention 2. Assertive behaviour and interpersonal communication satisfaction also had a weak negative correlation

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