
Abstract Acute diarrhea is diarrhea that lasts less than 14 days. Regarding its severity, acute diarrhea is classified as mild, moderate or severe. Mild when signs of dehydration are not observed, moderate when there are mild or moderate signs of dehydration and rehydration can be done orally and severely when it results in more intense dehydration with or without electrolyte disturbances, and requires intravenous therapy. Diarrhea disease in the Inpatient Installation Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital is the 10 biggest diseases and has never been evaluated on the use of drugs in pediatric patients. This study aims to evaluate the use of drugs in patients with acute diarrhea inpatients installation at the Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital calculated from July to December 2019 data. This research is a descriptive study with retrospective data collection. The data collection process begins by tracing medical records of acute diarrhea patients. The population of acute diarrhea cases was 152 patients and then the number of samples obtained was then selected according to the inclusion criteria as a sample of 60 patients. From the research results it is known that the use of drugs in patients with acute diarrhea in pediatric patients includes antibiotics, electrolyte solutions, analgesic/antipyretics, antidiarrheals and other drugs (antihistamines, supplements and probiotics). The validation of drug use on the right indicators, the right patient and the right dose has reached 100%, the right indicator is 37% and the drug is 63% incorrect, this is due to the use of antibiotics without laboratory results that show acute diarrhea due to infection. Keywords: acute diarrhea, evaluation of drug use, pediatric


  • Acute diarrhea is diarrhea that lasts less than 14 days

  • This study aims to evaluate the use of drugs in patients with acute diarrhea inpatients installation at the Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital calculated from July to December 2019 data

  • Handbook of Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice 3rd : Intravenous

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Perempuan 23

Jenis kelamin laki-laki paling banyak dengan persentase 62%, sedangkan pasien dengan jenis kelamin perempuan sebesar 38%. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya yang menunjukkan bahwa penderita diare anak paling banyak pada penelitian ini adalah laki-laki yaitu 96 pasien (56.5%). Meskipun hasil epidemiologi yang ditemukan selalu konsisten, namun hingga kini belum diketahui alasan dibalik lebih tingginya angka kejadian diare pada anak laki-laki dibandingkan anak perempuan (22). Kelompok umur diduga disebabkan karena pada anak yang berusia di bawah 2 tahun, kekebalan alaminya belum terbentuk sehingga lebih rentan dalam mengalami infeksi. Dapat dilihat dari gambar 4.3 bahwa pasien pediatri diare akut di Rumah Sakit Advent Bandar Lampung dengan lama dirawat 1 – 4 hari paling banyak dengan persentase 70%, sedangkan pasien dengan lama dirawat 5 -8 hari paling sedikit dengan persentase 30%. Lama perawatan pasien yang terdiagnosa diare akut adalah 3 - 4 hari dan bersifat mendadak, berlangsung cepat, dan berakhir dalam waktu kurang dari 7 hari. Hal ini dikarenakan karena penyakit diare akut biasanya dapat mengakibatkan dehidrasi yang apabila dapat ditangani dengan cepat maka masa pemulihannyapun akan relatif singkat

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