
The electricity subsidy program is a poverty control program that provides electricity subsidies to poor and underprivileged households that are paid by the Government of Indonesia to PT. PLN. The purpose of providing subsidies is to achieve a power supply and help poor customers and those who have not been contacted by PT. PLN so that they can enjoy electrical energy. At PT. Haleyora Power to determine the recipients of electricity subsidies there are still many mistakes such as not being on target, these subsidies are even obtained by people who are able to this incident not only in one period but often, because in the Decision Making System determining the eligibility of electricity subsidy recipients still uses a manual process and the database used is still in paper form in the form of files and there are no specific characteristics to be considered. This research aims to produce a system that can be used as a tool and makes it easier to determine the eligibility of electricity subsidy recipients. The method used in this research is the Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) method. With the existence of a decision support system for determining eligibility assistance for electricity subsidies, the eligibility criteria will become clearer. The results of the ranking of 20 potential electricity subsidy recipients whose data are processed and produce a total calculation or accuracy of 100% using the Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) method based on data on electricity subsidy recipients at PT. Haleyora Power. So that this research can be a reference in making the right decisions on providing electricity subsidies at PT. Haleyora Power.


  • underprivileged households that are paid by the Government of Indonesia

  • who have not been contacted by PT

  • Haleyora Power to determine the recipients of electricity subsidies

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Pendahuluan dilakukan oleh dunia usaha semakin tidak lepas dari

Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dengan kemajuan yang sangat pesat dewasa ini, dan pada era globalisasi saat ini menjadikan kebutuhan akan informasi salah satu ciri utama yang sangat penting. Penelitian [9], dengan judul “Sistem karena disebabkan kebijakan subsidi listrik saat ini Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Jurusan Dengan adalah subsidi harga, sehingga semakin besar jumlah Metode Multi Factory Evaluation Process (MFEP). Untuk menemukan bahwa sistem pendukung keputusan mengurangi risiko kesalahan, maka perlu dilakukan dengan metode Multi-Factor Evaluation Process klasifikasi pemberian subsidi listrik sesuai standar (MFEP) dapat mengatasi permasalahan dalam proses tertentu yang sudah menjadi standar PT. Berdasarkan penelitian-penelitian yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya yang berjudul “Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Penentuan (SPK) Bantuan Dana Pembangunan Rumah Tidak Layak Huni (RTLH) Dengan Metode Multi Factor Evoluation Process (MFEP)” [6]. Penelitian [7] dengan judul “Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Bantuan Beras Miskin ilmu yang membahas tentang metode penyelenggaraan penelitian berdasarkan fakta atau gejala ilmiah (meliputi kegiatan pencarian, pencatatan, penyusunan, analisis, dan pelaporan).

Mengimplementasikan Metode MFEP
Mendesain dan Menguji Sistem
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Mempelajari Literatur perhitungan memakai metode MFEP
Tahapan Perhitungan Weight Evaluation
Tahapan Input Nilai Setiap Faktor
18 Penerima 5 19 Penerima 3
16 Penerima 15 17 Penerima 20 18 Penerima 5 19 Penerima 3 20 Penerima 9
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