
The problem in this research is the book of state administration rarely used by the user of the number of visitors in one month on average 280 to 300 people, but only about 50 people who use them every month. This study aims to determine how the utilization of state administration book collection in the Library of the University of Muhammadiyah South Tapanuli. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method The study population was all the visitors who use the books in the Library of the State Administration of Muhammadiyah University of South Tapanuli during the month of May 2011 as many as 182 visitors and samples in the study amounted to 30 people. Data collection techniques in this study were (1) the collection of primary data is found directly on the object of research and by observation and interviews. (2) the collection of secondary data, research conducted through the review of written materials that consist of books / references, journals, scientific papers, legislation, and documents related to the research problems. Result analysis and discussion of the data and information obtained through research, it can be concluded that the South Tapanuli Muhammadiyah University Library has been carrying out the functions and duties both in services and in particular the provision of a collection of books Book collection of the State Administration. So perpustakaanUniversitas Muhammadiyah South Tapanuli, very beneficial to the entire academic community in order to support the learning process.

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