
Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs) or nosocomial infections are infections that occur in patients during hospitalization. HAIs are classified into 4 namely Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection, Surgical Site Infection, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, and Blood Stream Infection. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the HAIs surveillance sistem. The research method used is a descriptive evaluation study with an observational research design. The data sources used are the Reports and dissemination of HAIs Surveillance at RSU Haji Surabaya in 2019-2020. The results showed that HAIs cases at RSU Haji Surabaya in 2020 were 0.03%. The problems in the implementation of HAIs surveillance are the accuracy and completeness of data reports, implementation support facilities, and employee participation in training has not been running optimally, application bundle items are under repair, and job rotation for employees. Conclusion : the implementation of HAIs surveillance activities is in accordance the Regulation of the Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Number 27 of 2017 Tentang Pedoman Pencegahan Dan Pengendalian Infeksi di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan, but the implementation still running unoptimally, researchers recommend the implementation of reward and punishment activities for surveillance officers as a solution to improve the sistem surveillance.


  • Kasus Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs) di RSU Haji setiap tahunnya mengalami penurunan

  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the HAIs surveillance sistem, as well as provide solutions to the problems found

  • The results showed that HAIs cases at RSU Haji Surabaya in 2020 were 0.03%

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Kasus HAIs di RSU Haji setiap

Penurunan jumlah kasus ini menunjukkan bahwa program pencegahan infeksi telah berkembang lebih baik dan mampu berjalan optimal, akan tetapi dengan masih terdapatnya kasus HAIs di rumah sakit. Berdasarakan tabel di atas kasus infeksi HAIs paling tinggi ialah jenis IDO (Infeksi Daerah Operasi) dengan persentase kasus sebesar 0,11% kemudian ISK (Infeksi Saluran Kemih) sebesar 0,05%, jumlah kasus ini masih tergolong aman dan sesuai dengan standar yakni berada pada range

Kebijakan Berdasarkan hasil telaah dokumen
Berdasarkan hasil telaah dokumen Program Kerja Komite PPI RSU Haji
No Jabatan
Program Kerja Komite PPI RSU Haji
Berdasarakn hasil telaah dokumen
Analisis Data
Pelaksanaan Surveilans HAIs di RSU
Man laporan kinerja tahunan PPI RSU Haji
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Berdasarkan hasil telaah dokumen
Pengendalian Infeksi di Fasilitas
Kompilasi Data
Kinerja Tahunan PPI RSU Haji
Diseminasi Informasi
KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN Pelaksanaan surveilans HAIs di RSU
BLUD Rumah Sakit Umum Haji
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