
Dodol is an ingredient of traditional food which is already known by the Indonesian people, because it is tasty and the high nutritional content. One of a combination of refined products healthy with dodol in supporting the fulfillment of food and nutrition is seaweed, therefore the processing dodol with the addition of seaweed can be categorized as a product of processed food which is healthy and safe to be consumed by the consumer. The purpose of this research was to know the quality of dodol with the addition of brown seaweed through organoleptic/ teshedonic test (taste, color, and aroma) and proximate test (water content and ash content). The method used in this research was experimental method that was doing the experiment of making dodol by adding seaweed. Furthermore, the organoleptic test and proximate test are done. The research design used in this study was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The data obtained were analyzed statistically with F test and Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) advanced test at 5% real level. The results showed the lowest water content found in treatment E (addition of 50% brown seaweed). The results of organoleptic assessment, dodol with the addition of brown seaweed most favored by panelists in terms of taste, color, and aroma is the C treatment (addition of 30% brown seaweed). The quality of Dodol rumput laut coklat most liked is with the addition of brown seaweed by 30%. The addition of brown seaweed can be a solution in improving the nutritional value and quality on the food like on the dodol also can reduce the water content in the dodol.


  • Dodol is an ingredient of traditional food which is already known by the Indonesian people, because it is tasty and the high nutritional content

  • One of a combination of refined products healthy with dodol in supporting the fulfillment of food and nutrition is seaweed, the processing dodol with the addition of seaweed can be categorized as a product of processed food which is healthy and safe to be consumed by the consumer

  • The purpose of this research was to know the quality of dodol with the addition of brown seaweed through organoleptic/ teshedonic test and proximate test

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Karina dan Desrizal

Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji F dan uji lanjut Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf nyata 5%. Penambahan rumput laut coklat dapat menjadi solusi dalam peningkatan nilai gizi dan mutu pada bahan pangan seperti pada dodol juga dapat mengurangi kadar air pada dodol. Dodol merupakan makanan tradisional yang tergolong dalam makanan semi basah yang memiliki kadar air yang tinggi sehingga umur simpan yang tergolong singkat kisaran 1-6 bulan (Hanifah, 2016), sehingga dengan penambahan rumput laut coklat (Sargassum sp) yang mengandung Alkaloida, Fenol, dan Triterpenoid yang berfungsi sebagai antibakteri, antivirus, dan anti jamur yang dapat memperpanjang umur simpan dodol. Kandungan antioksidan dan anti kanker pada rumput laut coklat yang menjadikan dodol dengan penambahan rumput laut coklat (Sargassum sp) sebagai makanan olahan sehat. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentang mutu dodol dengan penambahan rumput laut coklat (Sargassum sp) melalui uji organoleptik, uji kadar air dan kadar abu. Alat Timbangan, blender (Philips), ayakan, pisau, wadah plastik, sendok pengaduk, kompor gas, freezer, timbangan analitik (exellent), seperangkat analisa protein, analisa lemak, analisa karbohidrat, neraca analitik, cawan porselen, cawan alumunium, oven, desikator, tanur, dan alat-alat gelas lainnya

Metode penelitian
Tahapan penelitian
Nilai Suka
Radar Organoleptik Dodol Rumput Laut Coklat
Pertanian Berkelanjutan Berbasis
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