
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the School committees’ performance that include: 1) consideration of determining and implementing educational policies; 2) raising funds and other educational resources from the community; 3) supervision of education services; 4) following up on complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations for school performance in SD Negeri Tuntang 02. Data collection techniques used in this study were used technical triangulation and source triangulation. Technical triangulation conducted through interviews, observations, and also documentary studies. Researchers conducted observations, interviews, and documentary studies on the performance of School Committees in SD Negeri Tuntang 02. While in triangulation of sources, researchers conducted interviews with School Committees, Principals, and also teachers. Data analysis techniques used in this study was qualitative approach. The results of this evaluative study showed that the School Committee's performance in giving consideration to the determination and implementation of education policies in SD Negeri Tuntang 02 showed an achievement rate of 11/12 x 100% = 92%, so that it was included in the good category. School Committee performance in raising funds and other educational resources from the community through creative and innovative efforts shows the achievement rate of 3/7 x 100% = 43% so that it is included in the category of lack. The performance of the School Committee in supervising education services in SD Negeri Tuntang 02 showed an achievement rate of 7/12 x 100% = 58% so that it is included in the sufficient category. The performance of the School Committee in following up complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations as well as observations on the performance of SD Negeri Tuntang 02 showed an achievement rate of 6/6 x 100% = 100%, so that it is included in the good category.


  • UU Sisdiknas tahun 2003 Bab I pasal 1, yaitu sebagai usaha sadar dan terencana dalam mewujudkan proses belajar yang dapat merubah pola pikir peserta didik untuk mengembangkan potensi yang ada di dalam dirinya sehingga menumbuhkan kemampuan secara spiritual, kecerdasan berpikir, mampu mengendalikan diri, terampil, memiliki kepribadian dan akhlak yang baik yang bermanfaat bagi diri sendiri dan juga orang lain

  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the School committees’ performance that include: 1) consideration of determining and implementing educational policies; 2) raising funds and other educational resources from the community; 3) supervision of education services; 4) following up on complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations for school performance in SD Negeri Tuntang 02

  • Data analysis techniques used in this study was qualitative approach. The results of this evaluative study showed that the School Committee's performance in giving consideration to the determination and implementation of education policies in SD Negeri Tuntang 02 showed an achievement rate of 11/12 x 100% = 92%, so that it was included in the good category

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PENDAHULUAN Pengertian pendidikan yang dipaparkan

UU Sisdiknas tahun 2003 Bab I pasal 1, yaitu sebagai usaha sadar dan terencana dalam mewujudkan proses belajar yang dapat merubah pola pikir peserta didik untuk mengembangkan potensi yang ada di dalam dirinya sehingga menumbuhkan kemampuan secara spiritual, kecerdasan berpikir, mampu mengendalikan diri, terampil, memiliki kepribadian dan akhlak yang baik yang bermanfaat bagi diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Menurut Nelliraharti (2018), Komite Sekolah juga mempunyai beberapa kelemahan dalam menjalankan peran dan fungsinya antara lain sebagai berikut: (1) pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang kurang tentang aturan perundang-undang yang mengatur Komite Sekolah; (2) Peningkatan kompetensi Komite Sekolah yang masih belum dilakukan secara optimal; (3) Keterbatasan anggaran operasional Komite Sekolah, sehingga berdampak pada sulitnya dijalankan fungsi pengawasan/ kontrol secara objektif dan independen oleh Komite Sekolah; (4) hubungan kemitraan dan kerja sama yang sinergis dengan masyarakat kurang harmonis, baik secara perorangan, institusi, dunia usaha, dunia industri dan pemerintahan berkenaan dengan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan bermutu; (5) belum terwakili semua unsur dalam keanggotaan Komite. Semua dilaksanakan sesuai dengan program kerja sekolah, dan berjalan secara koordinatif

Pembentukan Komite Sekolah di SD Negeri
Menggalang Dana dan Sumber Daya
Kinerja Komite Sekolah di SD Negeri
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