
Natural resources promise extraordinary economic development potential, which must be utilized as optimally as possible. To make it happen, one of the factors that influences the success of an organization's business is the well-managed management of information technology (IT) infrastructure. The quality of SI / IT products and services can be measured by internal customer perceptions. Several computer companies have begun to work with Petroleum Industry companies to build HPC Clusters to help process physical exploration data so that it can be processed quickly. HPC (High Performance Computing) is a technology that utilizes computer parallel processes as a step to complete work that requires large computing performance. Large processing of sesmik data requires fast and stable computer capabilities. The goal is to serve internal / user and external / customer requests. On this basis the author conducted a research at PT.PGSN South Jakarta. This study consists of two types, namely correlation research which will examine the relationship between internal customer satisfaction with seven independent variables of product / service quality of IS / IT and the relationship between perceptions of increasing internal customer performance on seven independent variables of product / service quality of IS / IT. The seven variables are: availability, user friendliness, productivity, reliability, durability, responsiveness and timeless of support. As well as comparative research to see whether there is a difference / significant difference between internal customers and IT Human Resources in assessing performance aspects. The six aspects of performance were analyzed: problem response, Software, Hardware and network maintenance, information system development, program & SI maintenance, passwords and online control. Correlation tests were carried out using the Spearman correlation analysis method, while the comparative test was carried out using the Mann-Whitney analysis method.


  • M p-ISSN: 2527 - 9661 e-ISSN: 2549 - 2837 development, program & SI maintenance, passwords and online control

  • of the factors that influences the success of an organization's business is the well-managed management

  • information technology (IT) products and services can be measured by internal customer perceptions

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Perkembangan teknologi SI / IT beberapa tahun ini terakhir ini sangat pesat sehingga membantu kalangan bisnis .Ketika keberhasilan bisnis tergantung pada infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang dijalankan dengan baik, maka kemampuan Divisi TI dalam suatu perusahaan untuk mengelola layanan TI harus menjadi prioritas utama. Semakin tinggi kualitas suatu produk dan layanan SI/TI yang diberikan oleh Divisi TI maka akan semakin besar pula kontribusi divisi TI terhadap kesuksesan perusahaan. Dengan melibatkan beberapa komponen yaitu Opensource Linux sebagai sistem operasi, perangkat keras berupa PC Cluster , Cube Manager sebagai basis datanya dan pengguna aplikasi (internal user) atau pelanggan ( External/Client ), maka dapat kita cari sebab dan akibat dari pengguna internal atau user. Dalam salah satu hubungan sebab-akibat pada IT Balanced Scorecard yang dikembangkan oleh Gremberger dinyatakan bahwa bila produk dan layanan TI yang berkualitas terpenuhi, maka pengguna akan puas, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa divisi TI telah memberikan kontribusi yang positif untuk perusahaan atau organisasi

Konsep IT Balanced Scorecard
Hipotesis Penelitian
Pengujian Reliabilitas
Hasil Analisis Korelasi Spearman
Analisis Statistik Deskriptif
Hasil Analisis Mann Whitney
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