
Color sticky traps are one of the main alternatives to collect insect vectors, as they are easy to handle and are inexpensive. We aimed to compare the effect of color and height of the traps on the attractiveness to potential cicadellids vectors of plant pathogens. Yellow and green colored stick traps were placed at two different heights in plant of Gaultheria phillyreifolia. Seventeen leafhopper species were identified, with Ribautiana tenerrima Herrich-Shäffer (49%), Carelmapu ramosi Linnavuori & DeLong (33%), Carelmapu aurionitens Linnavuori (5%) and Atanus sp. (6%) being the most common. All these species were significantly attracted by yellow sticky traps. Ribautiana tenerrima was the only species affected by the height of the sticky traps. However, this was also dependent on the sampling season. The phytoplasma vector candidate, C. ramosi, showed two population peaks in early and late summer, which may indicate two different generations. Males of this species were more abundant than females on sticky traps, but were both similarly attracted to yellow sticky traps. No differences were detected in the capture efficiency of both sexes at any height of the traps. The high proportion of C. ramosi captured suggests that the yellow sticky traps can be an important element for monitoring this species.

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