
The varieties (64) of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were evaluated for resistance to bean rust in the Velasco zone, at the north of the Holguín province, Cuba. The evaluation was made 60 days after sowing by determining the degree of attack using a scale as well as estimating the number of pu stules per leaf and no remarkable differences between both methods were found. The character of the pustules was also determined by measuring their diameters with regard to three categories large (more than 0.5 mm) middling (between 0.3 and 0.5 mm) and small (less than 0.3 mm) and the presence or lack of chlorotic halo surrounding the pustules as well. The cultivars that resulted less attacked by the bean rust were Guira-35, XAN-43, Revolución-79, M-112, Rosas, BAT-202, Tazumal, Huetar, Bolita-42, BAT-1281, BAT-1274, BAT-1280, PV-555, BAT 1275, Engañador, Guamá- 23, MCD-254, Chevere, XAN-93, XAN-147, NAG-20, NAG-55, RAB-30 and CC 25-9-S (R), all of which showed an average equal or inferior to 10 pustules per leaf, being these ones generally smaller and without any chlorosis.

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