
Pulmonary function tests allow an objective assessment of the degree of bronchial obstruction in collaborative subjects. The measurement of airway resistance using passive methods is very helpful in non-collaborative subjects. The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of measuring airway resistance by the interrupter technique (Rint) in pediatric subjects, determining its reproducibility, reliability and accuracy versus other techniques to measure airway resistance. Cross-sectional study in healthy children and in children with an obstructive airway disease, all aged 2-18 years old. The Rint was measured using a portable device and results were compared to airway resistance measured by oscillometry and plethysmography. The reproducibility of measurements and the infuence of the different outcome measures (use of mask or mouthpiece, cheek support, or nose clip) were assessed. Valid measurements were obtained in 82.6% of 460 children (47.6% younger than 7 years old). Reproducibility was very good (ICC= 0.9412; p <0.00001), and no differences were found among the measurements obtained at separate time intervals (0.75 ± 0.3 versus 0.74 ± 0.28; p= 0.435). None of the factors indicated before had an effect on the reproducibility of measurements. Resistance values obtained by plethysmography and oscillometry were higher than those obtained using the Rint, with a positive correlation between them. The higher the degree of airway obstruction, the worse the correlation with plethysmography. The Rint measurement is a plausible and reproducible technique, and has an adequate correlation with the resistance measurements obtained using oscillometry or plethysmography, thus making it useful for non-collaborative patients. In patients with airway obstruction, this technique could underestimate resistance, so it would be a hurdle to use it to follow-up subjects with a moderate to severe obstructive disease or in bronchial challenge tests.

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