
The results of the Students International (PISA) are changing the foundations of our educational system, as, the media and various educational sectors assume that these results reveal the level of competence achieved by students in their school career. However, there is little research to determine the relevance of pencil & paper tests used to assess this development. In this article, included in the research, Assessment of the competencies of second order. Learning how to learn, the work done by an internal committee of the Group is explained, at the stage of the investigation called Project review and evaluation programs Diagnostic performance of students supported in the approaches to learn how to learn and other related competencies”. This work analyzes the evaluation of the PISA Reading competence, series 2000, 2003, 2006, guided by the aim of discovering the weaknesses and strengths of PISA, as far as reading competence is concerned. We are looking for answers to the question: is PISA measuring what it claims? To do this, we have studied the theoretical frameworks of PISA and released test items used to determine the level of students in Reading competence. Having compared and evaluated the results of the analysis, in the light of knowledge about assessment processes and, specifically, PISA, it does not seem possible, with paper & pencil tests to measure reading competence, because PISA only pays attention to cognitive abilities. It therefore, is necessary to design, to take assessment processes to other dimensions of reading competence and to save remaining inconsistencies that invalidate PISA tests, such as the fragmentation of abilities.

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