
A study was carried out over a period of six years to determine the effects of eutrophication upon standing crop and composition of the phytoplankton in four recently constructed flood control reservoirs in Nebraska. Water samples collected weekly during June, July, and August from 1968–73 were analyzed for chlorophyll a, phytoplankton composition, and phytoplankton abundance. Total volume of phytoplankton was calculated from appropriate dimensions and formulae. Inorganic turbidity in one reservoir was an important factor regulating the size and composition of the phytoplankton standing crop. In that reservoir diatoms were the most important component of the phytoplankton community during those years in which inorganic turbidity was greatest. When inorganic turbidity declined, blue-green algae became dominant. In the clear-water reservoirs chlorophyll a, phytoplankton number, and phytoplankton volume were significantly correlated with reservoir age, with the oldest containing chlorophyll a concentrations up to 247 mg/m3 and mean phytoplankton volumes up to 329 mm3/l, values sufficient to place it in the hypereutrophic category. The reservoirs had 2–6 times more chlorophyll a present at the end of the study than at the beginning, with the increase being greatest in the newest reservoir. Phytoplankton volume was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a in all the reservoirs. Blue-green algae quickly became established as community dominants in the reservoirs, making up over 80 percent of the phytoplankton volume in the newest reservoir by the second year of its existence. In the other clear-water reservoirs, blue-greens usually constituted over 95 percent of the total phytoplankton volume in summer. three genera, Microcystis, Aphanizomenon, and Anabaena, were responsible for virtually the entire standing crop of blue-greens in all the reservoirs.

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