
'Euthanasia' is the most debatable issue and has been a burning topic all over the world. The word 'Euthanasia' has been derived from Greek word 'Eu' means 'goodly' or 'well' and 'Thanatos' means 'death'. The lexicographical meaning of the word 'Euthanasia' is 'mercy killing' in which the intentional termination of the life of a terminally ill person is carried out by the assistance of another person. It is a process of carrying out a gentle and easy death of a terminally ill person when his death is desired to free him from his terribly painful life. 'Euthanasia' generally can happen in two ways – i. Passive Euthanasia and ii. Active Euthanasia. In Passive Euthanasia, the treating doctors withdraw life-support machines or withhold any further treatment to shorten the life of a dying person. In Active Euthanasia, the treating doctors apply overdose of painkillers or some other medications to quicken the death of a dying person. Some countries have legalized passive and some have legalized active euthanasia under certain legal guidelines. In this article, the subject of euthanasia has primarily been discussed from the perspective of its righteousness under the constitutional laws and its enshrinement. I also intended for a debate on the preference of active euthanasia over the passive euthanasia for quickening the death of a terminally ill person.

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