
Goal. To carry out the analysis of phytosanitary risk for Ukraine of a dangerous quarantine pest Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (oriental spider mite).
 Research Methods. The main method is information-analytical. We conducted analytical research and analysis of reports from the Mediterranean, World Plant Protection Organizations, literary sources of scientific publications and online resources. Phytosanitary risk analysis (PRA) was performed according to the EPPO standards PM 5/3 (5), PM 5/1, PM 5/4 [3, 4, 5]. The possibility of acclimatization of the pest was determined using modern computer programs IDRISI SELVA, MapInfo Pro 15.0 and AgroAtlas.
 Results. Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (oriental spider mite) absent in Ukraine is a polyphage, it can damage 217 species of plants, preferring citrus, and is widespread in the world. Many species of plants that are host plants of the eastern spider mite grow in Ukraine and are important in the production of fruits, vegetables, and oils. The primary pest habitat was the Middle East, but currently E. orientalis is found in many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and is in a wide climatic range. Thus, in European countries which lie in the pest habitat, the climate is subtropical, Mediterranean and temperate, transitional to continental (Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Turkey). In Asia (China, India, Israel, Iraq, Saudi Arabia), the area of the pest occupies territories dominated by tropical, subtropical and temperate climates. In recent years, several species of tetrachnid mites, including E. orientalis, have expanded their geographical range, mainly due to increased trade and travel around the world, posing a threat to agriculture in many countries. Under optimal conditions, 25 generations per year can occur. The spread of E. orientalis is by air masses or anthropic. Distribution of E. orientalis is carried out by air masses or anthropically. The most likely pathway for spreading the pest is through infected planting material. Given the high reproductive potential of E. Orientalis, the rate of expansion of the habitat, the diversity of the plant’s food supply, its adaptability to a wide range of climatic conditions, there is a need to analyze the phytosanitary risk (AFR) of the eastern spider mite for Ukraine. The end result of the research is the determination of the quarantine status of the pest and the proposal for amendments to the «List of regulated pests» that are quarantined in Ukraine.
 Conclusions. There is a high likelihood of acclimatization of Eutetranychus orientalis in Ukraine, which is due to the large number of host plants and compliance with the species requirements to the climatic conditions. Potential habitat area in Ukraine may be the southern coast of Crimea. Phytosanitary risk analysis of Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (Eastern spider mite) for Ukraine identified the need for the pest to be granted the status of a quarantine organism absent in Ukraine (list A1) and to amend the «List of regulated pests of Ukraine».


  • Orientalis Klein, øâèäê3ñòü éîãî ïîøèðåííÿ, ð3çíîìàí3òí3ñòü ðîñëèí êîðìîâî¿ áàçè øê3äíèêà, ïðèñòîñîâàí3ñòü äî øèðîêîãî ä3àïàçîíó êë3ìàòè÷íèõ óìîâ, ñë3ä ïðîâåñòè àíàë3ç ô3òîñàí3òàðíîãî ðèçèêó (ÀÔÐ) ñõ3äíîãî ïàâóòèííîãî êë3ùà äëÿ Óêðà¿íè.

  • 2ñíóo âåëèêà éìîâ3ðí3ñòü àêë3ìàòèçàö3¿ Eutetranychus orientalis â Óêðà¿í3.

  • Àíàë3ç ô3òîñàí3òàðíîãî ðèçèêó äëÿ Óêðà¿íè Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (ñõ3äíèé ïàâóòèííèé êë3ù) âñòàíîâèâ íåîáõ3äí3ñòü íàäàííÿ øê3äíèêó ñòàòóñó êàðàíòèííîãî îðãàí3çìó, â3äñóòíüîãî â Óêðà¿í3 (ñïèñîê À1) 3 âíåñåííÿ çì3í ó «Ïåðåë3ê ðåãóëüîâàíèõ øê3äëèâèõ îðãàí3çì3â Óêðà¿íè».

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Orientalis Klein, øâèäê3ñòü éîãî ïîøèðåííÿ, ð3çíîìàí3òí3ñòü ðîñëèí êîðìîâî¿ áàçè øê3äíèêà, ïðèñòîñîâàí3ñòü äî øèðîêîãî ä3àïàçîíó êë3ìàòè÷íèõ óìîâ, ñë3ä ïðîâåñòè àíàë3ç ô3òîñàí3òàðíîãî ðèçèêó (ÀÔÐ) ñõ3äíîãî ïàâóòèííîãî êë3ùà äëÿ Óêðà¿íè. 2ñíóo âåëèêà éìîâ3ðí3ñòü àêë3ìàòèçàö3¿ Eutetranychus orientalis â Óêðà¿í3. Àíàë3ç ô3òîñàí3òàðíîãî ðèçèêó äëÿ Óêðà¿íè Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (ñõ3äíèé ïàâóòèííèé êë3ù) âñòàíîâèâ íåîáõ3äí3ñòü íàäàííÿ øê3äíèêó ñòàòóñó êàðàíòèííîãî îðãàí3çìó, â3äñóòíüîãî â Óêðà¿í3 (ñïèñîê À1) 3 âíåñåííÿ çì3í ó «Ïåðåë3ê ðåãóëüîâàíèõ øê3äëèâèõ îðãàí3çì3â Óêðà¿íè».

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