
Introduction Daly 2 has compiled descriptions of raised wave-cut platforms from about thirty places scattered about the world. The present authors have been struck by the fact that a bench from 4 to 12 feet above mean sea-level exists on all of the volcanic islands of the Hawaiian chain, without exception. Every island in the chain shows it. One or the other of us has observed the bench on La Perouse Rock at French Frigates Shoal, Necker Island, Nihoa Island, Kaula Island, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe, and Hawaii. Study of photographs in the files of the Honolulu office of the Hawaiian District of the United States Lighthouse Service indicates that the bench exists on Lehua and Molokini. A photograph, blurred by the motion of the surfboat from which it was taken, suggests that Gardner has the bench. Reliable oral testimony indicates that the bench is to be found on . . .

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