
1. (1) The authors have studied species possessing very different types of life: Anguilla anguilla L., Mugil capito C. et V., Mugil auratus Risso, Cyprinus carpio L. and Cantharus cantharus C. et V. 2. (2) The transfers from sea water to fresh water, and inversely from fresh water to sea water, have been carried out in the aquarium itself which contained these species, in order to avoid any airo-cardiac reflex, due to contact with the air. 3. (3) With these variations in the quantity of salt in the water, it would seem that the more the species is stenohaline, the more important is the corresponding chronotropic effect. With the stenohaline species the rapid and extreme modifications of cardiac frequency, tachycardia followed by a bradycardia, bring about the death of the subject.

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