
Part 1 Between modernity and postmodernity: An ever whiter myth - the colonization of modernity in European Community Law, James Henry Bergeron New Europe and old stories - mythology and legality in the European Union, Peter Fitzpatrick legal pluralism in the European union, Harm Schepel Europe's emprise - symbolic economy and the postmodern condition, James Henry Bergeron. Part 2 European identity in EU Law: understanding the European union/European economic area as systems of functionally different processes, Inger-Johanne Sand culture in the evolution of European law - panacea in the quest for identity? Valsamis Mitsilegas the common foreign policy of the EU - reinforcing the European identity? Sionaidh Douglas-Scou the politics of alterity and exclusion in the European Union, Carole Lyons. Part 3 European identity in national law and the European Convention: Foucault and the "illegal alien" - national identity as focus for distinction and control, Sarah van Walsum Querelles asks for asylum, Thomas Spijkerboer legal pluralism in Britain - the rights of Muslims after Rushdie affair, Kathleen M. Moore the construction of the other in the European human rights enterprise - a narrative about democracy, human rights, the rule of law and my neighbour, Kristina Morvai.

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