
Euroscepticism is a comparatively new political phenomenon. It consists of many aspects, such as critics of Europeism as a political ideology of the EU. This ideology is syncretical and includes different elements of famous political thoughts by Hobbes, Locke, French Enlightenment and German classic philosophy. The core principles of europeism are principles of progressism, universalism (which is known as ground for the ideas of liberal democracy). Today europeism has replaced traditional ideologies of conservatism and socialism and created new types of quasi-religions. The main principles of this ideology are formed and implemented on the level of supranational European institutions. On contrary, euroscepticism restores principles of traditional ideologies, being a significant oppositional actor in relation to europeism. During the last years, euroscepticism has been taking strong positions on both national and supranational levels. Especially, this can be seen referring to the experience of Central Eastern Europe, which, nontheless, has a successful story of European integration. The case of Central Eastern European countries shows a nationalistic character of euroscepticism (in its economic and political senses) and illustrates the people’s reaction on practices of the transfer of values and political practices. In Bulgaria euroscepticism remains weak – its membership is still seen as the only alternative, keeping in mind the destroying effect of the country’s shift toward democracy and market. Bulgarian euroscepticism connects with the people’s hopelessness in relation the EU as an actor, which is to deal with national problems.


  • Euroscepticism is a comparatively new political phenomenon

  • It consists of many aspects

  • which is known as ground for the ideas

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Европеизм vs евроскептицизм в странах Центральной и Восточной Европы

Он разнообразен по своей природе, одна из его ключевых ипостасей – критика европеизма как официальной идеологии ЕС. Она включает в себя ряд элементов старых философских доктрин – учения Гоббса и Локка, французского Просвещения, немецкой классической философии. В ее основе лежат принципы прогрессизма, универсализма, примата идеи либеральной демократии. Европеизм фактически поглотил старые доктрины консерватизма и социализма, создав на основе неолиберализма вариант квазирелигии. Ее положения формулируются и соблюдаются на уровне наднациональных европейских институтов. Евроскептицизм возрождает ряд принципов старых идеологий и противопоставляет их европеизму в рамках бескомпромиссной политической борьбы. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: популизм, евроскептицизм, европеизм, неолиберализм, идеология, ценности, кризис, ересь, консерватизм, национализм, разрыв, Европейский союз, Европейский парламент, Европейская комиссия, опросы, выборы, восточноевропейские страны, Болгария. Европеизм vs евроскептицизм в странах Центральной и Восточной Европы. GEORGIEV Faculty of International Economics and Politics, University of National and World Economy ul. “8-mi dekemvri”, Sofia, 1770, Bulgaria

Евроскептицизм и европеизм
Евроскептицизм в Болгарии
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