
European Union regional policy has fundamental importance in elimination of existing disparities between regions, making conditions for increasing economic growth and achieving full potential of each region. Common policies have proved to be the most complex area of European integrations, particularly in funding and the allocation EU funds. Bosnia and Herzegovina has the same practice that, as pointed out by representatives of Directorate for European Integration (DEI) and Directorate for Economic Planning (DEP), has not developed regional policy or strategic approach to the funds allocation. Object and aim of this research will be identification of lessons that the EU led, leads or will lead for implementation of regional policy that BIH could use in its further development, especially for the period 2014–2020. The document could be used as development document for DEI and DEP, and as a document that would be used as the basis for further programming of funds (obtaining for period 2014–2020), aiming to regional involvement. The necessary methodology in completing this work encompasses using the historical method, method of analysis and synthesis, comparative method and the actual researches overview enriched with secondary data sources. Primary data sources will be collected through semi-structured interviews with representatives of DEI and DEP, and with other relevant institutions’ representatives. EU Regional Policy course is for the first time available course at Doctoral program within the Bologna concept of study at the School of Economics and Business Sarajevo in cooperation with University of Vienna and Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, which is of special significance for this research.

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