
The aim of the work is to develop recommendations for Ukraine on setting long-term integrated climate and energy goals and identifying ways to achieve them. The preconditions, main goals and objectives of the European Green Deal, which was presented by the European Commission in December 2019, are analyzed. The European Green Deal is a comprehensive strategy for the transition to a sustainable economy, clean energy and climate neutrality, i.e., zero greenhouse gas emissions, in Europe by 2050. The adoption of this Deal was preceded by several stages of a coherent EU policy in the relevant sectors. Possibilities for renewable energy development within the framework of the European Green Deal are considered. It is determined that preference is given to the production of green electricity, mobilization of the potential of offshore renewable energy, production of biogas and biofuels from biomass of agricultural origin, sustainable use of low-carbon and renewable fuels, including biomass and hydrogen, in hard-to-electricity sectors. In Ukraine, the document that is closest by its contents to the European Green Deal is the draft Concept of green energy transition until 2050 presented in January 2020. The draft Concept states the goal of achieving 70% of renewable energy sources in electricity generation by 2050 and the climate-neutral economy of Ukraine by 2070. It is recommended that this document should be finalized and adopted formally as soon as possible.


  • The preconditions, main goals and objectives of the European Green Deal are analyzed

  • Розроблено кілька технологій із значним потенціалом декарбонізації енергоспоживання на островах

  • Communication from the commission on an EU Strategy to harness the potential of offshore renewable energy for a climate neutral future

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Рання передкомерційна

Ніж стаціонарні офшорні ВЕС щодо напрямку вітру і особливостей узбережжя. Технології перетворення постійного струму для подачі в мережу. Такі технології (наприклад, високовольтні перетворювачі постійного струму) здатні передавати великі обсяги «зеленої» електроенергії на материк. Розроблено кілька технологій із значним потенціалом декарбонізації енергоспоживання на островах. Виробництво електроенергії є стабільним, що має позитивний вплив на роботу електромережі

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