
Europe is here defined as the European Economic Community (EEC) plus Switzerland, Austria and the Scandinavian countries. The Eastern European countries are excluded. The group of countries taken into account is characterised by the relative importance of exchanges between them whereas exchanges with the rest of the world are less significant. The figures refer to the year 1982 and are extracted from the customs statistics of the different countries but, since the numbers referring to the exports from country X to country Y do not always equal those of the imports of country Y from country X, some adjustments have been made. These statistics refer to exchanges of plastics waste, excluding those of manufactured products made from recycled plastics waste (and also excluding the exchange of ‘substandards’). Some exchanges refer only to a transit (import and then export of the same waste without process). The types of plastic taken into account are: polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and cellulose acetate.

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