
The development of the EU’s security and defence profile has been a constant over the last two decades and one of the most dynamic projects of European integration. In this sense, last few years have recorded significant progress, illustrated both by the conduct of a significant number of civilian and military operations in different geographical perimeters, as well as by the launch of cooperation initiatives in the field of defence capabilities and defence research. The reporting framework of these developments has also undergone major changes, integrated into the process of establishment the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB). After an initial stage of conceptual structuring, carried out between 2007-2013, the profile of this construct has matured rapidly in recent years, offering consistent prospects in terms of supporting EU security and defence objectives. To this end, practical projects on defence capabilities and research have been developed through EDTIB in line with the Common Security and Defence Policy agenda. An extremely important role is represented by the consolidation of the financial potential associated with EDTIB to support cooperation projects and initiatives. The use of EU budget resources, stimulated in the context of EDTIB, represents a strategic paradigm shift in which European cooperation has evolved. The results recorded so far indicate the viability of the approach, supported by Member States’ interest in deepening this trend, including by consolidating investment in defence and industrial purposes.

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