
The theory of peace developed in the book Co operation in Europe is used to evaluate the present state of affairs in East-West relations in Europe as well as future prospects. The major argument is that peace has a struc ture, and that structure has not yet been built be tween East and West in Europe. The Warsaw and Moscow treaties as well as the Berlin and intra German negotiations are important in clearing up after World War II and in affirming the terri torial status quo in Europe, but they do not by themselves contribute to a peace structure. Nego tiations about arms control only help perfect the balance of power, and disarmament negotiations have so far been a failure and will continue to be so unless the present structure of non-peace is trans formed. Although the trade between East and West is increasing, it still has the traditional inequitable structure of raw materials and foodstuffs from East to West and processed goods in the other direction. Moreover, with the rapid integration and expansion of the European Communities an integra tion race has set in, with CMEA also solidifying. There is the danger that this race will make all- European co-operation too weak to have sufficient peace-building effect. There are still many possibilities to be explored for increased and more meaningful East-West co operation, some of which are discussed in the ar ticle. More particularly, East and West should try to come together in efforts to discuss the future of European societies and the future of active peaceful co-existence.

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