
Euripides’ Hecuba: A Version (II) NICHOLAS KILMER Characters polydorus, a ghost, (age 17), son of hecuba, formerly wife of Priam, warlord of Troy polyxena, her daughter (age 14) odysseus, warlord of Ithaca talthybius, a Greek messenger Hecuba’s servant agamemnon, warlord of Mycenae and Argos polymestor, warlord of Thrace sons of Polymestor (aged 6 and 8) Enslaved women from Troy chorus a chorus b Act II, 15 minutes later chorus a Go back in time. Go back. Go back in time, think back to the beginning When Paris of Troy, a handsome, narrow youngster, Cut the tall pine that would carry the sail that would carry the wind That would carry his ship to Sparta. There Helen, married Helen, Helen the queen, whose eyes rivaled the sunlight— There Helen waited for him like the snake she is. Do you remember? Helen was the prize. The foundling Paris, Cast out by a fearful father and rescued by shepherds On Mount Ida, was totally hidden away and out of sight. Yet the gods smoked him out. Let the shepherd boy Paris settle the contest Which is most beautiful of three contending goddesses? You know the story. Athena, would it be? Hera, or Aphrodite? The bribe that Aphrodite offered was the best: arion 21.2 fall 2013 Snake-eyed Helen, the world’s most beautiful merely mortal woman. That was the first step in the escalating cacophony of ruin That reaches ever farther into more ruin. I do not speak or grieve Only over the ruin of Troy. My own house there Was such a little ruin. Think of Helen’s own country, Sparta. How many bereft young girls feed Sparta’s rivers with tears? Their lovers will not return. The widowed mother Screams at the solemn messenger, “No. No. No,” And tears at her face until it bleeds. Her last son’s body Has been identified. We’re sorry for your loss. Ma’am, Where would you like us to put his few effects? He was wearing these beads . . . woman [servant] (Enters.) I have to see Hecuba. Where is Hecuba? I have awful— chorus b She’s occupied. It’s bad luck to bring bad news Into the home of the newly bereaved. Whatever you have to say can wait. Give the woman time to mourn. woman Bad luck she says. Never mind bad luck. Bad luck Won’t change bad news, and this is bad news. Where is Hecuba? Where is she? Let me get to her. She’s owed this news. It’s for her. Do I have to scream? chorus a You’ve roused her. (Hecuba enters from her shelter.) Hecuba, this woman . . . euripides’ HECUBA: a version (ii) 102 woman It’s devastating what I have to tell you, but you have to know. The weight of sorrow is too much even for me, and I just carry it to you. Ma’am, don’t let this break you. I see already That what passes for sunlight falls on you as if you are dead already, Your husband dead, your city destroyed, your children . . . (She gestures to Chorus members to help. They exit.) hecuba This is not news. I know all of these things. Or are you wanting To twist the knife, gloat on the obvious for whatever malevolent reason . . . (Chorus women enter dragging a covered body.) No, this is wrong. The messenger the Greeks sent claimed They were building the funeral fire for Xena Near where they killed her. That is where I should wash her body. I can do nothing here. You’re making . . . woman No. I’m so sorry. This isn’t Polyxena. hecuba (Screams.) Cassandra! They killed Cassandra? Not possible. Not Cassandra too! The gods need her to speak their twisted prophecies. (Screams.) Is this Cassandra? woman Hush, now. Cassandra is alive. chorus a Your dreams prepared you. chorus b The dreadful night of foreboding had its purpose To tip you into deeper mourning. Nicholas Kilmer 103 hecuba I can’t see. Let me see. (She throws back the covering and reveals the corpse of Polydorus . In almost a whisper.) Polydorus. It’s not possible. Polydorus is safe here. Thrace is safe. Polymestor, horse warrior...

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