
4,873 records of Eurasian lynx occurrence in the Czech Republic (CR) were obtained from 1990. During 1990–1994, the occurrence was recorded in 21.7% of the territory of the CR, during 1995–1999 in 35.6% and during 2000–2001 in 20.5%. The Eurasian lynx population was at its peak in 1997.1998 with abundance 100–150 individuals. The current estimate shows only 80–100 animals. Four of the nine radio-telemetrically monitored Eurasian lynx have probably been illegally shot. Hunters. attitude to the Eurasian lynx was examined on the basis of anonymous questionnaires in the areas of Eurasian lynx occurrence. Only 19.2% of the polled hunters believed the Eurasian lynx to play a positive role in ecosystems, 36.9% of them were aware of concrete cases of illegal hunting and 10.3% of them admitted to killing the Eurasian lynx illegally. Poaching turns out to be the most serious cause of the decrease of Eurasian lynx population in the CR. The attitude of students of game management to the Eurasian lynx was more positive.

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