
In the current framework of interconnectivity and interdependence national countries can't develop effectively without international cooperation. Countries establish different types of regional unions taking into account their economic, political, geopolitical or geoeconomic interests. Globalization finds its expression in the strengthening and acceleration of the processes of integration. These processes are at the center of attention in all regions of the world. Formation of economic unions is an important part of this global process, which is covering all regions of the world. The history of recent decades clearly demonstrates that at the present stage of the development of the world system, no country can alone enter the world community as an equal partner. The Eurasian economic union came into force in 2015, it has to overcome a lot of difficulties, so it is extremely important to draw the lessons from accumulated experience. The article is devoted to the problems of functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union and to the analysis of its experience. There is a need for deepening integration.


  • In the current framework of interconnectivity and interdependence national countries can't develop effectively without international cooperation

  • Formation of economic unions is an important part of this global process, which is covering all regions of the world

  • The Eurasian economic union came into force in 2015, it has to overcome a lot of difficulties, so it is extremely important to draw the lessons from accumulated experience

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In the current framework of interconnectivity and interdependence national countries can't develop effectively without international cooperation. Formation of economic unions is an important part of this global process, which is covering all regions of the world. Вто же время западные аналитики старательно не замечают, а порой и не знают, что в ЕАЭС, в отличие от ЕС, все государства (вне зависимости от их экономического веса, либо количества населения) имеют равное количество голосов. В настоящее время такая схема интеграционного взаимодействия используется во многих интеграционных объединениях: Экономическом сообществе стран Восточной и Южной Африки (COMESA), Южноафриканском сообществе развития (SADC), Восточноафриканском сообществе (ЕАС), Южноафриканском таможенном союзе (SACU), Карибском сообществе (CARICOM), Сообществе сахело-сахарских государств (SENSAD), Андском сообществе (CAN), Ассоциации регионального сотрудничества стран Южной Азии (SAARC) и др.

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