
the Eurasian economic Union (hereinafter the EAEU, the Union) is an international organization of regional economic integration with international legal personality. Therefore, an important task of the Eurasian economic Commission (hereinafter, the EEC) is to ensure the har-monization of the legislation of the member States of the Union in the field of scientific and innova-tive activities; protection, protection and use of objects of intellectual property on the territory of the EAEU and the customs regulation for cross-border movement of goods, including intellectual prop-erty. The creation of Eurasian technology platforms aimed at ensuring the system works on the ac-cumulation of advanced national and world achievements of scientific and technological develop-ment, the mobilization of the scientific potential of the member States of the EAEU for the joint so-lution of applied problems to develop innovative products and technologies, their implementation in industrial production. The purpose of this work was to analyze the existing legal framework for the creation and op-eration of the Eurasian agricultural technology platform, as well as regulatory acts regulating the main directions of its activities-the implementation of joint research and development (hereinafter, projects), interstate programs and cooperation projects with integration potential for financing by the Eurasian development Bank. According to the results of the study: the basic legal documents ensuring the creation and functioning of the EАТР; international treaties regulating the protection and enforcement of intel-lectual property rights; the legislation of the EAEU member States in the field of legal protection of intellectual property; regulatory legal acts regulating the implementation of joint research and de-velopment work (hereinafter, projects), interstate programs and cooperation projects with integra-tion potential for financing by the Eurasian development Bank.

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